How to choose an in-home Healthcare Provider

How to choose an in-home Healthcare Provider

At some point in time, you and your family may call in additional support for the senior members of your family. When looking at in-home care options, it’s essential to feel safe, comfortable, and independent. The right home care provider will give you and your loved ones all the aspects of home, companion, and, if […]

Is Palliative Care in Ontario Free

Is Palliative Care in Ontario Free

In Ontario, there is no cost for palliative care medical services for patients in their homes, hospices, or hospitals. Because it is publicly funded, if you qualify for OHIP and need to be in a hospital, hospice, or long-term care home, palliative care services are provided. Home care is also publicly funded by the Home and Community Care […]

Can you Hear Me? Is it Hearing Loss?

Can you Hear Me

Imagine if you awoke one day and realized that you could no longer hear your favourite songs, the sound of your grandchildren laughing, the nuances of your regular tv shows, or even inside jokes shared with your closest friends. Hearing Loss Approximately one in three older adults have hearing loss, but many don’t want to […]

How do I Know if I am Having a Stroke?

How do I know if I am having a Stroke

If you think your loved one is having a stroke, every minute counts! It is important to understand the signs and symptoms of stroke, so you can take quick action and hopefully save a life. Different parts of your brain control different parts of your body, and symptoms will depend on the part of the […]

Why Seniors want to Stay in their Homes

Seniors at home taking a walk

Given a choice, most seniors prefer to live in the comfortable surroundings of their own homes. Sometimes the thought of moving and leaving behind fond memories, can bring on stress both emotionally and physically. Moving out of your home can be overwhelming. There are unique reasons why seniors want to stay in their homes, but […]

Shining a Light on Brain Injury

Shining a Light on Brain Injury

In Canada, June is Brain Injury Awareness Month. Each year national, provincial, and local associations run campaigns to increase awareness about the prevalence of brain injury; the obstacles that exist for those with brain injury; and the need for more services and support at all stages of recovery. The 2022 national collaborative Brain Injury Awareness […]

Stay Active, Connected, and Safe

Stay Active, Connected, and Safe

June is the month we Celebrate Seniors in Ontario The theme is Stay Active, Stay Connected, and Stay Safe It’s a time when we recognize our amazing older Ontarians and the contributions they have made and continue to. How do seniors contribute to our communities? They shop, use services, and pay taxes. Seniors have more […]

Understanding Options for End of Life Care

end of life care

It is essential for seniors and their caregivers to understand end-of-life care options, like hospice or palliative choices. Sometimes life ends unexpectedly. But for many seniors, the end of life comes with warning signs and happens slowly. Although difficult to discuss, it is crucial for seniors and their caregivers to understand their options. Main Types […]

Cannabis and Seniors

Cannabis and Seniors

The prevalence of cannabis use among older adults (aged 65 and above) for recreational and medicinal purposes has significantly increased in recent years. Information regarding the safety of cannabis in this population is important since aging is associated with metabolic changes, multiple morbidities, increases in prescription medication use, and an overall decline in functioning. The […]

Multi-Media Options for Senior Communication and Entertainment

Multi-Media Options for Senior Communication and Entertainment

Watching TV, listening to music, and engaging with social media software can be more than just a way for seniors to pass the time. Many of us tend to view consuming media such as TV and movies solely as a leisure activity that doesn’t have a whole lot of value. For seniors with high energy […]

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