Keeping Seniors Safe from Falls

Slip and fall accidents are the leading cause of injury for seniors in Canada, and the damaging repercussions of a fall on the quality of life can be significant. Every year 1 in 3 seniors across the country are injured in a slip and fall accident which can impact their ability to sustain an independent […]
The Wonders of a Simple Walk

Heading out for a stroll is an activity that can be accessible and enjoyable for seniors of a range of fitness levels and mobile capabilities. The list of activities older adults can take part in to keep themselves active, engaged, and interested throughout the day is extensive. There is a huge selection of possible low-impact […]
Handling The Transition to Long Term Care

The decision to transition an aging loved one into long-term care can be a difficult and involved process. Many factors will likely come into play when making such a complicated and serious decision. What is Long Term Care? Long-term care is a complex term that can involve a variety of care scenarios. Basically, long-term care […]
Nurse Case Management for Personalized Home Care

Do you have an aging relative who wants to continue living at home but struggles with daily routines or health issues? The continually expanding population of seniors in Canada suggests that chances are good that you do. Most people will end up providing some form of home care at some point in their lives for […]
Health Benefits of Chocolate for Seniors

When most people think about eating nutritious foods and maintaining a healthy diet, chocolate is not typically one of the first things that come to mind. However, studies show that chocolate can offer various surprising health benefits. Before we get too carried away, this is not an endorsement to engage in an all-chocolate diet. But […]
Seniors and Vision Loss

Vision loss is a prevalent occurrence among seniors, which often involves some difficult challenges and adjustments. While complete loss of vision is not a natural or typical aspect of aging, changes in vision and different forms of visual impairment are a common part of the aging process. Visual impairment or total vision loss can cause […]
Healthy Practices for Managing Arthritis

Arthritis is typified by inflammation of the joints or other parts of the body. Inflammation generally causes pain, swelling, and stiffness and can lead to other more severe health problems. Arthritis affects about six million people in Canada, and unfortunately, with no cure to date, it is more about effective ways to manage the pain. […]
How to Find Homecare for Seniors

Seniors with medical conditions can often stay in the comfort of their own homes longer when they have some support. Several community services are available to support seniors who require additional care in their homes. It may be providing hot or frozen, tasty and nutritious meals delivered by caring volunteers from Meals on Wheels to […]
Keeping our Senior Loved Ones on their Feet

Among Canadian seniors, falls remain the leading cause of injury-related hospitalizations and between 20% and 30% of seniors fall each year, with the numbers rising. Falls and associated outcomes harm the injured individuals and affect family, friends, care providers and the health care system. Falls can lead to negative mental health outcomes such as fear […]