Engaging Volunteer Activities for Individuals with Dementia

A woman with dementia petting a golden retriever

Worried about a loved one and wondering if it might be dementia? It’s a difficult situation, but you’re not alone. This guide offers information about the common early signs of dementia. It aims to help you understand what to look for, how to talk to your loved one with care, and the importance of seeking a professional diagnosis.

Taking Care of our Seniors’ Mental Health

Taking care of Seniors Mental Health

Our Seniors’ mental health is so important to nurture in a positive way. Statistics show that one in four seniors may experience depression, anxiety, or dementia. The number of seniors with mental illnesses may double by 2030. Depression is the most common mental health concern in older people. Unfortunately, two-thirds of seniors with mental health […]

The Importance of Pet Therapy for Seniors

The Importance of Pet Therapy for Seniors

The important role pets can play in improving the quality of life for seniors should not be underestimated. Navigating the many changes and challenges that arise with age can be stressful, so exploring and discovering sources of calm and joy can make a meaningful difference in how seniors experience their lives in older age. Finding […]

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