Hiring Home Care Agency vs Private Caregiver

Home Caregiver is enjoying working together with senior client.

Deciding on Hiring a Home Care Agency vs Private Caregiver is an unfamiliar experience for many seniors and this may be the first time you introduce a caregiver to your home. Do you choose to hire a private caregiver or work with an agency? The ultimate goal is to make the experience work well for […]

Why Seniors want to Stay in their Homes

Seniors at home taking a walk

Given a choice, most seniors prefer to live in the comfortable surroundings of their own homes. Sometimes the thought of moving and leaving behind fond memories, can bring on stress both emotionally and physically. Moving out of your home can be overwhelming. There are unique reasons why seniors want to stay in their homes, but […]

Preventing Pressure Sores for Seniors

Senior Home Care - Bed Sores

Pressure sores, also known as bed sores or pressure ulcers, are often painful and can potentially lead to more serious health conditions. What are pressure sores? Pressure ulcers are typically caused by soft tissue, like skin, being pressed against a hard surface for an elongated period of time. Pressure sores are more prevalent in older […]

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