Boost Your Brain Health and Fight Brain Aging

March is Brain Health Awareness month, and the third week is Brain Health Awareness Week. Millions of people are affected yearly by brain diseases like Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s, Strokes, and depression. Brain research is vital in finding solutions and possible cures. Normal aging and dementia are two different things. Normal aging is a natural gradual […]
Benefits of 24-hour Care for Senior Loved Ones

If you were to ask your senior loved one if they would rather live in assisted living or their own home – chances are the answer would always be to stay in their own home amongst familiar surroundings and years of memories. As our loved ones age, their care may change, and it may be […]
Peace of Mind with 24-hour Care for Seniors

Having someone there to deal with issues that may arise overnight or provide companionship and support can make a huge difference. Everyone knows the value of a good night’s sleep for our health and having the energy to carry out daily tasks and activities. As we get older, an uninterrupted night of sleep can become […]