Top 7 Foods to Eat for Faster Recovery After Surgery

Senior Drinking Water for after surgery recovery

Surgery becomes more common as we age, whether from a fall, a car accident, or a health condition. The most common procedures are:  Whether surgery is planned or unexpected, it is a source of trauma to the body. You are at a higher risk after surgery of infection, falls, decreased mobility, weight fluctuation, and fatigue. […]

Who can Benefit from Promyse Home Care?

Promyse Home Care

When you think of a professional home care agency like Promyse Home Care, you may feel that it is only available for seniors. Guess again! While older adults certainly make up a substantial portion of home care beneficiaries, there are many other situations where home care can be extremely useful. For example, Promyse Home Care […]

What to Expect When Recovering from Hip Replacement Surgery

Senior Hip Replacment

It is no secret that hip problems are a major concern for older adults. In a lot of cases people do anything they can to avoid surgery, as the thought of going under the knife is terrifying to many. Most people wait until the pain and stiffness become unbearable before opting to go the surgery […]

What to Expect After Knee Replacement Surgery

Senior Knee Pain

Getting the news that knee replacement surgery is required for better mobility can be distressing, but it can also be extremely beneficial for extending an independent lifestyle. Knowing what to expect before going into the procedure can also be very helpful. The knee joint is a tricky one, and obviously an integral part of being […]

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