Understanding Stroke Recovery

The months after a loved one experiences a stroke are often challenging. It’s a transition that requires a whole new outlook on care, routine and priorities. Additionally, seeing an elderly loved one undergo physical and emotional change is painful for the whole family. The shock of a single stroke is difficult enough to deal with, […]

Should I Move to Another City to Care for my Aging Loved One

Relocating for an aging loved one

Providing distance care for an aging loved one can be challenging. Even just living an hour away can make it tough to offer the level of support you would like to. For family members that live in another province or several hours away, it can be extremely difficult to decide what to do. You want […]

Benefits of Respite Care in a Retirement Home

Senior Overnight Care

Retirement homes and assisted living communities are places where seniors often end up when it is no longer feasible to continue living at home. This is generally the result of health conditions and mobility issues that make independent living difficult, if not impossible. Some older adults may welcome the move to a retirement community, while […]

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