Alzheimer’s & Dementia: It is Never Too Early or Too Late

Caring for loved ones with Alzheimer's and dementia

Diagnosed with a degenerative brain disorder such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia can be debilitating for the person affected and their families. September is World Alzheimer’s Month 2023, and the theme is ‘Never too early, never too late‘. The campaign aims to adopt proactive risk reduction measures to delay and potentially prevent the onset of dementia […]

Assisting Seniors with Medication Management

Senior Medication Management

New challenges and concerns are typically just over the horizon at any given time for older adults as the risk for injury and illness increases. As various health issues emerge, consultations with doctors and healthcare professionals often lead to recommendations for things like lifestyle changes, cutting out unhealthy behaviours and habits, and exercise programs. Prescription […]

Let’s Talk About It: Dental Care for Seniors

Senior taking care of their teeth

Oral health is essential to our overall health, so taking proper care of our teeth is more important than we think! Various individual factors come into play regarding seniors’ oral and dental health and depend mainly on personal circumstances and histories. In addition to the general wear and tear that takes place over passing years, […]

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