Seniors and Vision Loss

Eyesight Loss in Seniors in Kitchener-Waterloo

Vision loss is a prevalent occurrence among seniors, which often involves some difficult challenges and adjustments. While complete loss of vision is not a natural or typical aspect of aging, changes in vision and different forms of visual impairment are a common part of the aging process. Visual impairment or total vision loss can cause […]

Coping with Knee Pain for Seniors

Senior Hip Replacment

Knee pain and discomfort are generally par for the course as we age. Various factors, such as gravity, time, and extensive use, contribute to knee pain. Compound this with age from many years of built-up strain and impact. By the time seniors reach old age, their knees have experienced a great deal of wear and […]

Healthy Practices for Managing Arthritis

Arthritis in hands

Arthritis is typified by inflammation of the joints or other parts of the body. Inflammation generally causes pain, swelling, and stiffness and can lead to other more severe health problems. Arthritis affects about six million people in Canada, and unfortunately, with no cure to date, it is more about effective ways to manage the pain.  […]

Crohn’s Disease and IBD among Seniors

senior walking outdoors for better health

Canada has one of the world’s highest case rates of Crohn’s Disease and IBD. 1 in 140 Canadians live with some form of inflammatory bowel disease. May 19th is the annual international day for over 50 countries to educate others about Crohn’s disease and Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD). World IBD Day Seniors with Crohn’s or […]

Our Nurses are Always Here For You and Your Loved Ones

Nurses helping our seniors live in dignity and happy.

National Nursing Week takes place from Monday to Sunday, May 8-14, 2023, the same week as Florence Nightingale’s birthday, May 12.  Florence Nightingale is referred to as the Mother of Nursing. Florence wanted to work in hospitals; however, her family opposed it as nursing the sick or injured was not considered a decent job in […]

Broken Hearts: Understanding and Treating Heart Failure

Understanding and treating Heart Failure

May 1 – 7 is National Heart Failure Awareness Week  Heart Failure is a growing concern for all age groups. Early signs of heart failure are similar in our aging community as in other age groups. Better treatments are available for other health conditions, such as hypertension and diabetes, and people live longer than a decade ago. […]

Beating the Summer Heat and Avoiding Heat Stroke

Summer walk with Senior - Home Care

Summer hot weather in Ontario starts earlier each year. It stretches into late September and even early October in recent years, and seniors need to stay protected against the hazards of the harsh sun. Aside from the hot weather extending into what used to be the fall, the sun has become a lot more unforgiving […]

Top 7 Foods to Eat for Faster Recovery After Surgery

Senior Drinking Water for after surgery recovery

Surgery becomes more common as we age, whether from a fall, a car accident, or a health condition. The most common procedures are:  Whether surgery is planned or unexpected, it is a source of trauma to the body. You are at a higher risk after surgery of infection, falls, decreased mobility, weight fluctuation, and fatigue. […]

Assisting Seniors with Medication Management

Senior Medication Management

New challenges and concerns are typically just over the horizon at any given time for older adults as the risk for injury and illness increases. As various health issues emerge, consultations with doctors and healthcare professionals often lead to recommendations for things like lifestyle changes, cutting out unhealthy behaviours and habits, and exercise programs. Prescription […]

Adjusting to Life With Dentures

Life with Dentures - Kitchener-Waterloo

Our teeth get a full workout on a daily basis over the course of our lifetimes, and for many seniors, there comes the point when dentures become necessary. Perpetual cavities and tender, swollen gums can present problems with eating and may lead to other health conditions. How can Dentures Help? Seniors with health concerns like […]

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