Supporting Seniors As They Deal with Loss

Senior Grief & Loss in Kitchener-Waterloo

Losing someone you love is beyond challenging and deeply distressing in any stage of life, but going through the stages of mourning and grief can be especially harrowing for seniors. The emotional anguish and overwhelming sadness that comes with experiencing loss can impact both the mental and physical health of seniors in significant ways. As […]

When the Time Comes to Stop Driving

Aging Parents find it challenging to listen to their siblings even when the conversation is constructive and benefits their quality of life.

Driving is often associated with independence for a great many people, and the idea of losing the freedom that comes with being able to get around town independently can be daunting and distressing for seniors. Driving offers seniors the ability to get to their appointments, go on enjoyable outings whenever they want, visit friends and […]

Physical activity tips for older adults (65 years and older)

activity in older senior adults

For the first time ever, older adults make up a greater share of Canada’s population than children. By 2031, about 23 per cent of Canadians could be seniors. Older adults can maintain and enhance their well-being and independence through a lifestyle that embraces physical activity. Taking part in regular physical activity is key to improving […]

Managing Senior Cholesterol

Senior Cholesterol Care in Kitchener-Waterloo

Keeping an eye on cholesterol to ensure it is at an acceptable level for the body is critical for overall health and wellbeing. For this reason, it is profoundly important that seniors and those who care for them be aware of the cholesterol-related concerns that exist. This helps when implementing healthy lifestyle practices that aim […]

The Importance of Hydration for Seniors’ Health

Senior Drinking Water for after surgery recovery

Remembering medications, health appointments, exercising, eating well, and maintaining healthy lifestyle practices can make growing older feel like it comes with an unending list of things to do and keep track of. As task lists grow and priorities pile up, it becomes easy for some elements to get forgotten or pushed to bottom of the […]

Dealing with Isolation & Loneliness for Seniors

Senior Loneliness in Kitchener-Waterloo

Consistent and engaging social interaction plays an incredibly important role in contributing to the overall state of health and wellbeing we experience at all stages of life. Meaningful relationships with friends and loved ones are a big part of what helps us feel connected to the world around us, reminding us that we not only […]

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