Caring for Aging Bones: Osteoporosis and Arthritis in Seniors
Our bones are relied upon for a lot of hard work to support our bodies’ mobility, and bone health is essential for overall quality of life. But the truth is that our bones are among the most significantly altered body parts affected by the process of aging. Osteoporosis and arthritis weaken the bones, resulting in […]
The Ripple Effect of Chronic Pain in Seniors
Chronic pain is among the most common and consequential diseases worldwide. Chronic pain is a widespread and silent epidemic in older adults and is associated with significant suffering, social isolation, depression, insomnia and poor quality of life. It also adds more substantial costs and burdens to the healthcare system. Chronic pain can have various causes […]
Managing Chronic Pain in Seniors
Having to manage constant and sometimes crippling pain can lead seniors to withdraw from activities and relationships, and to stop taking part in aspects of their lives that are fulfilling and enjoyable. In many cases, seniors just accept pain as a part of growing older and may not seek out support and treatment. Caregivers and […]